Past Productions.
She, Mami Wata & The Pussy WitchHunt.
Written & performed by d’bi young anitafrika
Directed by Fay Nass
A frank theatre company production
Presented by the PuSh International Performing Arts Festival
January 29 – February 1, 2020 at Performance Works
d’bi young anitafrika takes on gender, sexuality, divinity and more in this erotic solo piece. Whether playing a church pastor, a pole dancer or a child in a schoolyard, d’bi positively glows with fervour; the spirit of protest runs strong through the multiple characters, shifting timelines and changing settings of the narrative. She Mami Wata is anchored in the writing and performing of its multi-talented star, but it’s also powered by music: to the side of the action is DJ Softieshan, dropping beats and loops that propel the story. Telling the tale of four friends and their lives in present-day Jamaica, anitafrika paints a picture of lust, love and the forces that would seek to deny them.
Artistic Team
Writer, Performer – d’bi young anitafrika
DJ, Performer – Shanique Kelly a.k.a. DJ Softieshan
Direction – Fay Nass
Set & Props Design – Jenn Stewart
Costume Design – C.S. Fergusson-Vaux
Lighting Design – Jillian White
Sound Design – Miquelon Rodriguez
Technical Direction – Mimi Abrahams
Stage Management – Heather Barr
Co-Producers – Anais West, Mariam Barry
Graphic Design – Rosemarie Gresham